Phase 1: Understanding the Backlog Challenge & The Community Care Model
Following the release of the anticipated NHS Elective Recovery Plan in February this year, which details a series of ambitious targets for the next three years, Trusts and local Healthcare systems now have the task of bringing these initiatives to life.
One of the key areas the recovery plan highlights is addressing elective recovery through community services.
In this video series, “Supporting Elective Care Recovery Through Community Transformation”, we explore this in more detail drawing upon our experience supporting Clinical transformation.
Phase 2: Understanding the Current State and Modelling Scenarios
Developing an understanding of the current state of an organisation through robust data collection is a key requirement for modelling tailored scenario and identifying relevant community care models that can support individual Trusts address their elective care backlogs.
Jacob Cross, presents the approach pathway process behind understanding the current baseline of a Trust and identifying service opportunities and solutions.
Phase 3.1: The Options Appraisal
Peter Marshall explains how Trusts can appraise and identify the optimal delivery model to address elective recovery.
Phase 3.2: Designing The Operating Model
Clara Ali Ghalib explores how clinical operating models should be both innovative and effective. We discuss the key design principles of any Clinical transformation, with consideration to Clinical, People, Infrastructure and IT.
Phase 4.1: Designing Key Clinical Transformations
Olivia Jeffery explores the crucial four areas of best practice for a smooth Change Management process.
Phase 4.2: Benefit Realisation
This video outlines the steps for effective performance monitoring, including: Identifying performance indicators in-line with the overall aims, ensuring processes are built into general operations and more.