Urgent and emergency care upgrade programme
Case Study

£29m Business Case for Urgent & Emergency Care Centre Approved

Akeso defined a new clinical model and developed an Outline Business Case and Full Business Case for a £29m new capital build Urgent and Emergency Care Centre. This utilised extensive clinical engagement, clinical modelling analytics, and commercial and procurement support.


Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) Foundation Trust were operating urgent and emergency care services from a facility with limited capacity and a disruptive and challenging physical configuration. This led to the existence of an uncoordinated and undefined clinical model, where clinical care was unable to be delivered in a collaborative and consistent manner. As such, WUTH had significant levels of unwarranted variation, demonstrated by its elongated length of stay, numerable pathways, and location yoyoing.


Akeso completed extensive clinical and operational engagement across the local health economy through a series of workshops, presentations, and drop-in clinics to get a detailed understanding of clinical reality and operational pressures faced on the ground.

In alignment with this, Akeso completed a full clinical activity and performance analytic assessment, whereby every patient encounter and episode was mapped against its clinical presentation, duration, location, and outcome. From this, Akeso were able to confirm specific variation, areas of low performance, and location bottlenecks. Utilising this data, Akeso then simulated all patient activity according to the design of a new clinical model.

Akeso then developed a business case in alignment with Green Book Methodology and NHSE/I fundamental criteria for a new capital build Urgent and Emergency Care Centre, incorporating the newly development and defined clinical model, as well as health best practice.


The business case was approved by NHSE and secured an additional £11m in capital funding. It set out the design of a new UEC facility, increasing the footprint by 41%, and enabled the delivery of the designed clinical model, which had forecast length of stay reductions of up to 45%, and a scheme total ROI of 4.4:1.

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Chris Robson

Chris Robson

Managing Partner