Case Study

Enabling a Productivity Shift in Mental Health​

Akeso worked with a Mental Health and Learning Disability Collaborative of four trusts to identify the multi-year productivity opportunity and develop a plan for reforming services to drive a step-change in productivity levels across the system.


The Collaborative faces growing demand for its members’ services with little increase in funding. Regulatory considerations limit the savings that can be achieved through skills-mix cost base reductions, and so, help was sought to develop a three-year productivity programme, along with the delivery of a review of the Collaborative’s members’ capacity and capability to deliver the required transformational change over the following three years.


Opportunity Analysis

In order to build a robust As-Is baseline position, Akeso undertook a programme of clinically-led stakeholder engagement with the four trusts and the ICB.

We analysed demand and activity levels, mapping them to current and planned physical and clinical capacity in order to build a dynamic capacity and demand model. By benchmarking productivity levels against local and national peers, along with best-in-class, we developed an ‘opportunity gap’ for they key services of each provider trust.

Working alongside stakeholders, we developed a multi-year plan for the transformation of productivity levels across inpatient and community services through the realignment of capacity; the redesign of pathways and the optimisation of technology use in the delivery of care

Capacity and Capability

Akeso deployed a Capabilities Plan for Leading and Managing Change in delivering a maturity assessment of the Collaborative’s readiness to deliver the transformation required to improve productivity levels.


With the Collaborative, we agreed a three-year transformation plan for clinical productivity.

Key outputs included:

  1. An integrated system-level Opportunity Report;
  2. A dynamic productivity and efficiency business intelligence reporting dashboard;
  3. A productivity transformation roadmap